Monday, 18 May 2009


Summer is almost here (I don’t care what the Inglish weather says – it’s mid-May and I’m going to have some ice cream and plan a nice day at the beach), and looking at the summer beach trends, things aren’t looking too bad. Ok, so it’s the same trends as last year, only done in better quality, with the deck shoes and the big woven bags and the kaftans and that, but there’s a comfy angle which I really like. When it gets really warm and sticky, no one should be running around in strappy heels slicing their feet with every step, tugging at a ra-ra skirt which keeps sliding up, while their makeup inches its way around the face like a buttery blob. We should all be breezing along in cotton maxis and sun dresses, in comfortable and (ugh) sensible shoes with proper sun screen on.

The main problem I have with summer is the bathing suits, because they seem to become smaller every year, and I don’t want to spend every minute at the beach tugging and adjusting things to preserve some dignity. Vintage bathing suits are perfect for this, because they actually cover what they’re supposed to cover and stay in place. The problem with them is that they are sponge-like in their absorbency and you weigh about twice as much coming out of the water as you did going in. There’s just no winning here. But at least they look great, and I’m hoping to do a beachy shoot soon (when it gets just a little warmer – otherwise it’s just cruel to the model).

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Chapter 9 - part the final.

Last few edits from the 80s shoot now. The credits are rolling, but the best is still to come.

Pad exhibit E - Big shoulder pads for a light dress (so, proportionally, some of the biggest) in this Chanel rip-off.

Pad exhibit F - F is for final, and also for favourite. I love this dress. It's 80s, it's Dynasty, it lends itself beautifully to matchy-matchy, the shoulder pads are absolutely massive, and it's Lanvin. It's made from this beautiful crepe material (enlarge the picture and have a look), and I'm currently considering a lard-and-cream diet to be able to fill it out and keep it to myself. None of my other clothes would fit, but - frankly - that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I could whisper sweet nothings into its sleeves, and it could make me best dressed at any cocktail party. We really would make a beautiful couple.

And that's it for now! Hoping to do another shoot soon; there's a Valentino blouse flirting with me from the rail across the room, along with some lovely tailoring, and hopefully some new pieces very soon (eBay has not been my friend lately, but we're going to give it another try).

Friday, 8 May 2009

Chapter 9 -Part the second

The padillisciousness continues now...

Pad exhibit C - Minimal pads in this Gaultier Jeans jacket, but it's still 80s-ness in a good way, so it gets to stay in.

Pad Exhibit D - Now we're talkin'. Proper shoulder padding and some 80s-tastic tailoring. Still looking into this label, trying to work the Vintage Fashion Guild to find out a little more about it.

...all that padding and still more to come? You got it.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Chapter 9 - It was acceptable in the 80s

Just as we thought the 80s thing was finally coming to a spluttering end, it turned around and slapped us right in the face with the previously mentioned spaced out shoulder pad "trend". In celebration of this (even if somewhat dubious) - here's a paddiriffic shoot.

Our very talented resident photographer is of course Mr Michael, and the beautiful Beccie is my 80s victim.

Pad exhibit A: Medium paddage with this wool and velvet Versace skirt suit.

(partially photoshopped plug socket: stylist's own)

Pad exhibit B: light pads in a Karl Lagerfeld for Chloe skirt suit.

More paddage to follow.